Academic Education

Various courses in academic education deal with personal mobility.



Aviation Systems Sensitize students for ʺreal‑worldʺ aviation problems and management aspects. The course provides the students with a broad understanding of the complexity of the aviation industry. An integrated part of the course is an airline business simulation, which allows the students to participate in a competitive real‑world environment and transfer the theory into practice.
Business Innovation I Geschäftsmodelle entwickeln Link to course 
Clean Energy Marketing  Link to course 
Climate Change and the Psychology of Decision-Making  Link to course 
Climate Solutions 101  Link to course 
Energy and Climate Governance  Link to course
Social acceptance of sustainability innovations   Link to course 
Transportation Systems Prof. Dr. Christian Laesser teaches in this course (in English) about the main challenges and specific characteristics of the management of transport organisations between the state and the market.
Master Certificate on Managing Climate Solutions (MaCS HSG)  The certificate programme MaCS-HSG addresses one of the biggest societal challenges of our time. Climate change is now widely acknowledged, but how can it be successfully tackled? This is the key question to be answered by future leaders in business and society. Through the additional qualification in Managing Climate Solutions, students will complement their core Master`s programme at the University of St. Gallen with dedicated courses enabling them to understand the magnitude of the challenge, to explore the range of possible solutions, to craft behaviorally informed strategies, and to shape a positive future in a carbon-constrained world. 